How to Restrict the Draggable Area of an Element in React-Beautiful-DND
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How to Restrict the Draggable Area of an Element in React-Beautiful-DND

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When working with react-beautiful-dnd, you often need to restrict the draggable area of an element to ensure that it only moves within a specific region. This can be achieved by using the dragBoundary property or the grid property. In this article, we’ll explore both methods and provide examples to get you started.

Method 1: Using the dragBoundary Property

The dragBoundary property allows you to specify the boundaries of the draggable area. You can set it to an object with x, y, , and height properties to define the restricted area.

import React from 'react';
import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from 'react-beautiful-dnd';

const Lists = () => {
  return (
        {(provided) => (
{(provided) => (
Drag me!
); }; export default Lists;

In this example, the dragBoundary property is set to an object with x and y properties, restricting the draggable area to the specified range.

Method 2: Using the grid Property

The grid property allows you to define a grid-based draggable area. You can set it to an object with columnWidth, rowHeight, and pageHeight properties to define the grid structure.

import React from 'react';
import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from 'react-beautiful-dnd';

const Lists = () => {
  return (
        {(provided) => (
{(provided) => (
Drag me!
); }; export default Lists;

In this example, the grid property is set to an object with columnWidth and rowHeight properties, restricting the draggable area to a grid-based structure.


In this article, we’ve explored two methods for restricting the draggable area of an element in react-beautiful-dnd. By using the dragBoundary property or the grid property, you can ensure that your draggable elements only move within a specific region, providing a more controlled and predictable user experience.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to restrict the draggable area of an element in react-beautiful-dnd” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on how to tame the draggable beast in react-beautiful-dnd!

How do I limit the draggable area to a specific container?

To restrict the draggable area, you can pass the `boundingClientRect` prop to the `Draggable` component. This prop should contain the rectangular boundaries of the container within which you want to limit the dragging. For example, you can set `boundingClientRect` to the `getBoundingClientRect()` of a DOM element.

Can I restrict dragging to a specific axis?

Yes, you can! Use the `axis` prop on the `Draggable` component to restrict dragging to a specific axis. For example, setting `axis=’x’` will only allow horizontal dragging, while `axis=’y’` will only allow vertical dragging. You can also set `axis=’xy’` to allow dragging in both directions.

How do I prevent dragging outside of a certain area?

To prevent dragging outside of a certain area, you can use the `grid` prop on the `Draggable` component. The `grid` prop should contain an object with `x` and `y` properties that define the grid boundaries. For example, you can set `grid={{ x: [0, 100], y: [0, 200] }}` to restrict dragging to a 100×200 pixel grid.

Can I restrict dragging based on a custom function?

Yes, you can! Use the `shouldRespectForceDisable` prop on the `Draggable` component and pass a custom function that returns a boolean indicating whether the dragging should be restricted. This function will be called on every drag event, allowing you to dynamically determine whether to restrict the dragging based on your custom logic.

How do I animate the snapping of the draggable element?

To animate the snapping of the draggable element, you can use the `snapToGrid` prop on the `Draggable` component. Set `snapToGrid` to an object with `x` and `y` properties that define the snapping boundaries. Additionally, you can use the `transitionDuration` prop to set the animation duration. For example, you can set `snapToGrid={{ x: 10, y: 10 }}` and `transitionDuration=500` to animate the snapping to a 10×10 grid over 500ms.

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