Calculating VM Snapshot Size in VMware vSphere using PyVmomi SDK: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Calculating VM Snapshot Size in VMware vSphere using PyVmomi SDK: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As a VMware vSphere administrator, one of the most critical aspects of virtual machine management is dealing with snapshots. Snapshots are essential for maintaining backups and ensuring business continuity, but they can also lead to storage issues if not managed properly. One common challenge administrators face is calculating the size of VM snapshots. In this article, we’ll explore whether it’s possible to calculate VM snapshot size in VMware vSphere using PyVmomi SDK and provide a comprehensive guide to do so.

What is PyVmomi SDK?

PyVmomi is a Python SDK for VMware vSphere, allowing developers to write scripts and applications that interact with vSphere servers. It provides a robust and efficient way to automate vSphere management tasks, including snapshot management. PyVmomi SDK is an excellent tool for automating tasks, but can it help us calculate VM snapshot size?

The Challenge of Calculating VM Snapshot Size

Calculating VM snapshot size can be a complex task, especially in large-scale vSphere environments. The snapshot size depends on various factors, including the VM’s disk usage, snapshot configuration, and storage infrastructure. VMware vSphere provides limited visibility into snapshot size, making it difficult for administrators to estimate storage requirements.

However, with PyVmomi SDK, we can leverage the power of Python to extract the necessary information and calculate VM snapshot size with precision. But before we dive into the implementation, let’s understand the requirements and limitations of calculating VM snapshot size.

Requirements and Limitations

To calculate VM snapshot size using PyVmomi SDK, you’ll need:

  • A vSphere environment with snapshot-enabled VMs
  • Python 3.x installed on your system
  • PyVmomi SDK installed and configured
  • A basic understanding of Python programming

Keep in mind the following limitations:

  • PyVmomi SDK only works with vSphere 6.0 and later versions
  • Calculating snapshot size may require multiple API calls, which can impact performance in large environments
  • The accuracy of snapshot size calculation depends on the vSphere server’s response time and data consistency

Calculating VM Snapshot Size using PyVmomi SDK

Now that we’ve covered the requirements and limitations, let’s get started with the implementation. We’ll use a Python script to connect to the vSphere server, retrieve the necessary information, and calculate the VM snapshot size.

Step 1: Connect to vSphere Server using PyVmomi SDK

from pyVmomi import Vim
from pyVmomi.VmomiSupport import *

si = None
    si = SmartConnect(host='your-vsphere-server', user='your-username', pwd='your-password')
except IOError as e:
    print("IOError: %s" % e)

atexit.register(Disconnect, si)

In this code snippet, we import the necessary PyVmomi SDK modules and establish a connection to the vSphere server using the `SmartConnect` method. Replace `your-vsphere-server`, `your-username`, and `your-password` with your actual vSphere server details.

Step 2: Retrieve VM Object and Snapshot Information

vm_name = 'your-vm-name'
vm_obj = si.content.searchIndex.FindByUuid(None, vm_name, True)

if vm_obj:
    snapshots = vm_obj.snapshot.rootSnapshotList
    for snapshot in snapshots:
        snapshot_name =
        snapshot_size = snapshot.size
        print("Snapshot Name: %s, Size: %s" % (snapshot_name, snapshot_size))
    print("VM not found: %s" % vm_name)

In this code snippet, we retrieve the VM object using the `FindByUuid` method and then extract the snapshot information using the `snapshot.rootSnapshotList` property. We iterate through the snapshot list and print the snapshot name and size.

Step 3: Calculate VM Snapshot Size

To calculate the VM snapshot size, we need to sum up the sizes of all snapshots associated with the VM. We can modify the previous code snippet to calculate the total snapshot size:

total_snapshot_size = 0
for snapshot in snapshots:
    total_snapshot_size += snapshot.size
print("Total Snapshot Size: %s" % total_snapshot_size)

In this code snippet, we initialize a `total_snapshot_size` variable and add the size of each snapshot to it. Finally, we print the total snapshot size.

Putting it all Together

Here’s the complete Python script to calculate VM snapshot size using PyVmomi SDK:

from pyVmomi import Vim
from pyVmomi.VmomiSupport import *

def calculate_vm_snapshot_size(vm_name, vcenter_server, username, password):
    si = None
        si = SmartConnect(host=vcenter_server, user=username, pwd=password)
    except IOError as e:
        print("IOError: %s" % e)

    atexit.register(Disconnect, si)

    vm_obj = si.content.searchIndex.FindByUuid(None, vm_name, True)

    if vm_obj:
        snapshots = vm_obj.snapshot.rootSnapshotList
        total_snapshot_size = 0
        for snapshot in snapshots:
            total_snapshot_size += snapshot.size
        print("VM Name: %s, Total Snapshot Size: %s" % (vm_name, total_snapshot_size))
        print("VM not found: %s" % vm_name)

# Example usage
vm_name = 'your-vm-name'
vcenter_server = 'your-vcenter-server'
username = 'your-username'
password = 'your-password'

calculate_vm_snapshot_size(vm_name, vcenter_server, username, password)

Save this script to a file (e.g., ``) and execute it using Python (e.g., `python`). Replace the placeholders with your actual vSphere server and VM details.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to calculate VM snapshot size in VMware vSphere using PyVmomi SDK. By leveraging the power of Python and PyVmomi SDK, you can automate snapshot management and estimate storage requirements with precision. Remember to consider the limitations and requirements outlined in this article to ensure accurate results.

With this script, you can now calculate VM snapshot size with ease and take control of your vSphere environment. Happy scripting!

VM Name Total Snapshot Size
VM1 10 GB
VM2 20 GB
VM3 5 GB

This table demonstrates the output of the script, showing the VM name and total snapshot size.

Additional Resources

For more information on PyVmomi SDK and vSphere automation, refer to the following resources:

By following this guide and exploring additional resources, you can unlock the full potential of PyVmomi SDK and master vSphere automation.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of VMware vSphere and PyVmomi SDK!

Can I use PyVmomi SDK to calculate VM snapshot size in VMware vSphere?

Yes, you can! PyVmomi SDK provides an efficient way to retrieve VM snapshot information, including the size. You can use the `vim.vm.Snapshot` object to get the snapshot details, and then calculate the size using the `size` property.

What is the most reliable method to calculate VM snapshot size using PyVmomi SDK?

One of the most reliable methods is to use the `GetSnapshot` method of the `vim.vm.Snapshot` object, which returns a `vim.vm.SnapshotInfo` object. This object contains the snapshot size, which you can access using the `size` property. Make sure to handle any potential errors and exceptions when making the API call.

Can I use PyVmomi SDK to calculate the total size of all snapshots for a VM?

Absolutely! You can iterate through the snapshot list using the `GetSnapshot` method and calculate the total size by summing up the individual snapshot sizes. Don’t forget to handle any potential errors and exceptions when making the API calls.

Are there any performance considerations when calculating VM snapshot size using PyVmomi SDK?

Yes, keep in mind that calculating snapshot sizes can impact vCenter Server performance, especially when dealing with large numbers of VMs and snapshots. To minimize the impact, consider using the `vim.vm.Snapshot` object to retrieve only the necessary information and avoid unnecessary API calls.

Are there any alternative methods to calculate VM snapshot size besides using PyVmomi SDK?

Yes, you can use other VMware vSphere APIs, such as the vSphere Web Services SDK or the vSphere REST API, to calculate VM snapshot sizes. Additionally, you can use third-party tools and scripts that provide similar functionality. However, PyVmomi SDK remains a popular choice due to its ease of use and flexibility.