Mastering Scrapy: How to Call Async Function from Start_Requests
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Mastering Scrapy: How to Call Async Function from Start_Requests

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering how to call an async function from start_requests in Scrapy? Well, worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of asynchronous programming and show you exactly how to do it.

Understanding Scrapy and Asynchronous Programming

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s briefly introduce Scrapy and asynchronous programming.

What is Scrapy?

Scrapy is a powerful Python-based web scraping framework that allows you to extract data from websites and store it in a structured format. It’s fast, flexible, and widely used in the industry.

What is Asynchronous Programming?

Asynchronous programming is a programming paradigm that enables your code to perform multiple tasks concurrently, improving the overall performance and responsiveness of your application. In Scrapy, asynchronous programming is used to handle requests and responses efficiently.

The Problem: Calling Async Functions from Start_Requests

When working with Scrapy, you might encounter a situation where you need to call an async function from start_requests. This is where things can get tricky. By default, start_requests is a synchronous method, which means it can’t directly call async functions.

But fear not! We’ll show you how to overcome this limitation using some clever techniques.

Solution 1: Using Asyncio.gather()

import scrapy
import asyncio

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "my_spider"

    async def async_function(self):
        # Your async code here

    def start_requests(self):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        tasks = [self.async_function() for _ in range(5)]
        results = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks))
        for result in results:
            # Process the results
        yield scrapy.Request(url='')

In this example, we create a list of tasks by calling the async_function() method multiple times. Then, we use asyncio.gather() to run these tasks concurrently and wait for their results. Finally, we process the results and yield a Request object to Scrapy.

Solution 2: Using Twisted’s deferToThread()

import scrapy
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "my_spider"

    async def async_function(self):
        # Your async code here

    def start_requests(self):
        d = deferToThread(self.async_function)
        return d

    def process_result(self, result):
        # Process the result
        yield scrapy.Request(url='')

In this example, we use deferToThread() to run the async_function() method in a separate thread. The result of the async function is then passed to the process_result() method, where we can process it and yield a Request object to Scrapy.

Solution 3: Using Scrapy’s built-in async support

import scrapy

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "my_spider"

    async def async_function(self):
        # Your async code here

    async def start_requests(self):
        result = await self.async_function()
        # Process the result
        yield scrapy.Request(url='')

In this example, we mark the start_requests() method as async and use the await keyword to call the async_function() method. The result of the async function is then processed, and a Request object is yielded to Scrapy.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

  • Use async functions judiciously**: Async functions can be slower than their synchronous counterparts due to the overhead of creating and managing coroutines. Use them only when necessary, such as when making external API calls or performing I/O-bound operations.
  • Avoid mixing async and sync code**: When working with async functions, make sure to keep your code consistent. Avoid mixing async and sync code, as it can lead to unexpected behavior and performance issues.
  • Handle errors properly**: When calling async functions, make sure to handle errors properly using try-except blocks. This will help you catch and handle exceptions that may occur during the execution of your async code.
  • Use concurrency wisely**: Be mindful of the number of concurrent tasks you’re running. Too many concurrent tasks can lead to performance issues and even crashes.


In this article, we’ve covered three solutions to calling async functions from start_requests in Scrapy. We’ve also discussed best practices and common pitfalls to keep in mind when working with async functions in Scrapy.

By following these guidelines and solutions, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Scrapy and building fast, efficient, and scalable web scrapers.

Solution Description
Using asyncio.gather() Run multiple async tasks concurrently using asyncio.gather()
Using Twisted’s deferToThread() Run a blocking function in a separate thread using Twisted’s deferToThread()
Using Scrapy’s built-in async support Use Scrapy’s built-in async support to call async functions from start_requests

Remember, practice makes perfect! Try out these solutions and experiment with different scenarios to become proficient in calling async functions from start_requests in Scrapy.


  1. Q: Can I use async functions in Scrapy?

    A: Yes, Scrapy supports async functions since version 1.7.

  2. Q: How do I call an async function from start_requests?

    A: You can use one of the three solutions described in this article: using asyncio.gather(), Twisted’s deferToThread(), or Scrapy’s built-in async support.

  3. Q: What is the difference between sync and async functions?

    A: Sync functions block the execution of code until they complete, while async functions allow other tasks to run concurrently, improving performance and responsiveness.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you master the art of calling async functions from start_requests in Scrapy. Happy scraping!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “how to call async function from Scrapy start_request”:

Frequently Asked Question

Scrapy is an amazing web scraping framework, but sometimes, we need to call async functions from our start_request method. Here are some common questions and answers to help you out!

How do I call an async function from Scrapy’s start_request method?

You can use the `await` keyword to call an async function from your start_request method. For example: `await my_async_function()`.

What if my async function returns a value, how do I handle it?

If your async function returns a value, you can assign it to a variable using the `await` keyword. For example: `result = await my_async_function()`. Then, you can use the `result` variable as needed.

Can I use async/await with Scrapy’s built-in methods, like `Request` or `FormRequest`?

Yes, you can use async/await with Scrapy’s built-in methods. For example: `await Request(url, callback=my_callback)` or `await FormRequest(url, formdata=form_data, callback=my_callback)`. Just make sure to use the `await` keyword when calling these methods.

What if I need to call multiple async functions from my start_request method?

You can use the `asyncio.gather` function to call multiple async functions concurrently. For example: `await asyncio.gather(my_async_func1(), my_async_func2(), my_async_func3())`. This will call all three async functions and wait for them to complete.

Are there any specific considerations I should be aware of when using async/await with Scrapy?

Yes, when using async/await with Scrapy, make sure to use the `@asyncio.coroutine` decorator on your async functions, and also make sure to use the `await` keyword when calling these functions. Additionally, be mindful of the execution order of your async functions, as Scrapy uses a single-threaded event loop.